..the yesterdays training. The weather was great when we started to worm-up pretty bad, I took about one hour and then we started to walk to a spot called ''Träsnidarn''. However, we stoped near a tree and did some practise right there on the spot. About twenty minutes later the rain started to fall. Not so much, so we decided to stay put under the tree and wait until it was gone. Unfortunately, It wen't worse. We ran to another cover under a roof but It was to late. We were all wet. Then I though: Why stop training because of the rain? Parkour is about adapting yourself to the enviorment wich means that even if It's rain outside, and even if everything is slipery, and even if you cannot train as you wanted, you should fit yourself to the situation. It's you VS your enviorment or you VS yourself. We did, so we started to jogg along the streets to warm-up agian.
That was actually what we did the whole day - warming upp. But It's training to. After we had run for a while we started to do monkeywalk and some push-ups. It was raining cat'n dogs! The water was moving in high speed through the streets, and it was about one decimeter deep. So, it covered our whole shoes while we was running.
It was meant that we was going to eat with eachother after the training but because of the heavy rain we all understood that it was time to go home. It would have been bad eating outside while it rain. However, It was a great day with happy faces even if your training didn't really was as we though it was gonna' be. Oh, one more thing; When we split up the rain stoped.
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